So long den update my blog. Cos i busy, since i joined the company till now. I everyday work non-stop sia. Cos got few outlet in Singapore. Every week got new invoice to update to the software. Not one or two invoice. Got more den 10 supplier and 10 supplier x the outlet my company have, I tell u, slot them up is very very te tired. I have more den 10 outlet to slot those invoice. Every week ok. Same old stuff. Haha, but tired is tired the most important is happy.
Work in the company with lots of work and doesn't make you happy no point staying there. Go which company also the same. Need to do alot of work.
Sometime alot of work make ur working time passed fast. haha.
I joined the company less den one week, "CHRISTMAS". The second week, "New Year". The Third week, "Company D&D". Haha. I feel that is like a family. Always got festival to celebrate.
I find those people there weird too but who care? Such a talkative person like me. Never have the time to talk much and really got nothing or can said topic to chat about. What they chat i just listen. Confuse i think myself at least got less gossip. Got gossip also not my problem cos i'm not involved in. Haha, learn to protect urself also in company. (I SAY SAY only)
K la think i talk to much view my D&D picture ba:
Me and my Senior Account Exec Swee Nee
Working at the reception area
My 1st time joining company D&D
Working at the reception area
My 1st time joining company D&D
(B) Yunli, Serene & Wendy (hairstyle i tied too)
centre guy is our delivery man.
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