Work 11am-6pm. work with Liping. After work meet Dear go Chinatown eat dinner. Angry with Dear Dear. Just dun understand, Tired stay at home la. Why want meet me??? Make me angry only. Buy some stock there den buy some junk food 4 his camp. After tat, he send me home. Sleep in u bed while i using computer & sewing Belts. haha. Pig leh. sleep 1hr++. Dear went home at 11.45pm catch last bus home.
20 Apr 2008 Sunday
Off work. Morning go eat breakfast with same people. Mummy, Sister Kelly & Cousin Sheena. We take Fish & Chip 4 breakfast. funny hor. haha. After tat go cold storage shop 4 some grocery den heading to SNOW ICE. haha. My cousin SHEENA love it. This time we take Strawberry Ice & Peanut Ice with Chocolate. haha. Finished Snow Ice. i send the two gal to Serangoon Mrt den Heading to Dear house. Meet him at his house Coffee shop, accompany him eat breakfast, but i nv eat la. Finished, we saw his sister. Chit-Chat at home. watch DVD den go Tiong Bahru Plaza shop shop. haiz, no where to go. i dun wan Dear tired so try to loiter around his place lor. Can shop too. now close my eyes i also know where is where liao. Cos shop 4 2 mth leh. His parent Brought use dinner. Chicken rice + lots of ingredient inside e.g Eggs & Roasted meat. Wah, fat sia. eat so much. not me la. dun worry, i still wan maintain my size. haha. Send Dear in with his Parent at 8.45pm. Dear called me at 10.30pm. Dear, i love u. Another week 4 me to stress liao. today, i played alot so tml to sat really need to study hard hard. see u on sat. haha.
Today, Louise got things happen. Amy suddenly wan quit becos of Ming words. haiz. why ar?? Why everybody keep changing schedule. not happy with schedule or wat. not i dun wan change is tat i got class in the morning. u guy should know ma. Heard Liping said Amy cried. i think becos of ming words. try to talk to her. hiya, which job doesn't get scolded. If every job get scolded. den dunno how many time u have to quit liao. If Amy, Compare COOL & LOUISE did louise treat u bad. no rite. Just get scolded & want to quit is short term decision. Long term leh. Bern didn't pay me but he scolded me. i got think of quitting dun wan to help him work but i think long term, no work no money. No money how to spent, how to buy things? how to pay exam fees. where to get money if the shop closed down. haha. My family dun need my money but at least got some money with us is still safe ma. rite??? haha. k la. time to sleep. nite

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