Went to find Dear, meet him at Tiong Bahru Plaza shop shop. Rented DVD to watch, Buy some uncooked food to cook & drink. Reach home surf net den wat DVD lor. happy time always passed very fast. Time 4 dinner leh. Dear Mummy Brought us Chicken rice. okok only. but better den nth la. Send Dear in with his parent
Haiz, after sending Dear, i found tat send him in. the next day is Monday. Have to stress liao. u know. I like Friday dunno why. Maybe 4 me, Friday - Sunday is a long weekend. After Sunday, i like lost everything. haiz. just dun really understand life? Dun work, no money, Work Stress, Study also stress. haiz haiz. Sometime being a human izzit a wrong things? Now, is time 4 me really look into my work liao. very pai sai. Dear's mum asked me, u haven't finish ur study ar? haiz. how to finish. i also wan end it soon but the paper really difficult & asked the same question why u & Dear keep retaking Basic theory? haha. dunno how 2 answer her la. Just finished Chatting with Dear. Abit miss him leh. dunno why. haiz, Sandy 5 more days to go. u will see him leh. Jia you. Dunno wat will happen this week. sian tat all 4 sunday.
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